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. 2022 Jan 30;19(3):1618. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031618

Table 4.

Multiple linear regression analyses of the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and past experience of breast cancer screening and CHBMS-BC-M (n = 676).

Susceptibility Benefits Barriers
Mean (SD) Difference between Pre- and Post-Intervention 1 B
(Adjusted) 2
95% CI p Mean (SD) Difference between Pre- and Post-Intervention 1 B
(Adjusted) 2
95% CI p Mean (SD) Difference between Pre- and Post-Intervention 1 B
(Adjusted) 2
95% CI p
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Malaysian 629 (93.0) 0.33 (3.21) Reference −0.43 (3.01) Reference 0.15 (8.98) Reference
Non-Malaysian 47 (7.0) 0.32 (3.61) −0.02 −2.01 1.98 0.989 0.21 (2.65) 1.29 −0.44 3.01 0.144 −1.15 (8.79) −5.09 −10.62 0.45 0.072
Malay 349 (51.6) 0.33 (3.10) Reference −0.25 (3.02) Reference 0.72 (8.93) Reference
Chinese 151 (22.3) 0.49 (3.23) 0.21 −0.54 0.95 0.586 −0.29 (2.91) 0.33 −0.34 0.99 0.336 −1.17 (8.09) −2.61 −4.67 −0.55 0.013
Indian 120 (17.8) 0.11 (3.57) −0.56 −1.27 0.16 0.128 −1.06 (3.16) −0.49 −1.14 0.15 0.135 0.16 (9.70) −1.00 −2.98 0.97 0.320
Others 56 (8.3) 0.36 (3.42) 0.29 −1.61 2.19 0.766 −0.05 (2.55) −0.60 −2.23 1.04 0.474 −0.61 (9.73) 3.57 −1.54 8.68 0.171
40–49 years 274 (41.0) 0.26 (3.25) Reference −0.42 (3.15) Reference 0.55 (8.80) Reference
50–59 years 199 (29.8) 0.59 (3.15) 0.35 −0.29 1.00 0.281 −0.54 (2.97) −0.03 −0.60 0.54 0.919 −0.45 (9.51) −0.92 −2.72 0.87 0.313
60–69 years 137 (20.5) 0.14 (3.40) −0.11 −0.89 0.66 0.773 −0.23 (2.83) 0.25 −0.44 0.94 0.476 −0.50 (8.78) 0.27 −1.88 2.42 0.803
70 years and above 58 (8.7) 0.31 (3.03) −0.18 −1.25 0.89 0.740 −0.14 (2.79) 0.18 −0.79 1.15 0.719 0.95 (8.39) 2.67 −0.23 5.57 0.071
Marital Status
Married 587 (86.8) 0.30 (3.20) Reference −0.38 (2.98) Reference 0.24 (9.03) Reference
Single 89 (13.2) 0.53 (3.51) 0.31 −0.48 1.09 0.444 −0.38 (3.08) −0.22 −0.92 0.48 0.541 −1.01 (8.53) −2.40 −4.60 −0.21 0.032
No formal education 88 (13.0) 0.06 (3.22) Reference −0.16 (3.03) Reference −0.92 (8.65) Reference
Primary 97 (14.4) 0.49 (3.57) 0.64 −0.37 1.64 0.213 −0.55 (3.20) −0.19 −1.08 0.70 0.673 −0.08 (10.43) 0.33 −2.47 3.13 0.817
Secondary 366 (54.2) 0.36 (3.12) 0.58 −0.27 1.44 0.180 −0.41 (2.88) −0.01 −0.77 0.75 0.982 0.18 (8.80) 0.79 −1.62 3.19 0.522
Tertiary 124 (18.4) 0.32 (3.35) 0.73 −0.37 1.82 0.195 −0.31 (3.13) 0.41 −0.57 1.39 0.412 0.41 (8.48) 0.63 −2.44 3.69 0.689
Monthly family income
Below RM 4000 457 (71.2) 0.44 (3.27) Reference −0.29 (3.02) Reference −0.02 (9.07) Reference
RM 4001–10,000 140 (21.8) 0.05 (3.09) −0.57 −1.27 0.13 0.109 −0.25 (2.95) 0.01 −0.61 0.64 0.96 −0.05 (8.55) −0.32 −2.27 1.62 0.746
RM 10,001 and above 45 (7.0) 0.24 (3.94) −0.38 −1.49 0.74 0.510 −1.43 (2.48) −1.53 −2.53 −0.52 0.00 1.49 (8.66) 1.85 −1.17 4.87 0.229
Employment status
Unemployed 165 (24.4) 0.36 (3.18) Reference −0.33 (3.01) Reference −0.04 (9.16) Reference
Employed 511 (75.6) 0.25 (3.42) −0.09 −0.73 0.56 0.795 −0.56 (2.93) −0.16 −0.74 0.42 0.594 0.42 (8.39) 0.37 −1.42 2.16 0.685
Past history of CBE 3
No 233 (34.6) 0.26 (3.29) Reference −0.48 (3.00) Reference −0.40 (8.55) Reference
Yes 441 (65.4) 0.46 (3.16) 0.28 −0.32 0.87 0.363 −0.18 (2.97) 0.54 0.00 1.07 0.048 1.00 (9.64) 1.11 −0.53 2.75 0.185
Past history of Mammogram 4
No 175 (26.0) 0.32 (3.18) Reference −0.35 (2.90) Reference −0.06 (8.84) Reference
Yes 498 (74.0) 0.40 (3.41) 0.16 −0.50 0.83 0.629 −0.47 (3.21) −0.10 −0.69 0.49 0.748 0.49 (9.38) −0.24 −2.05 1.56 0.792
BCAC-BC campaign
Non-recognizer 211 (31.2) 0.60 (3.31) Reference −0.43 (2.86) Reference −0.74 (9.39) Reference
Recognizer 441 (65.2) 0.18 (3.20) −0.51 −1.10 0.07 0.086 −0.25 (2.99) 0.29 −0.23 0.81 0.276 0.07 (8.63) −0.09 −1.72 1.55 0.919

1 SD—Standard deviation. 2 B (adjusted)—adjusted mean difference, 3 Respondents’ self-reported uptake of CBE within the last year. 4 Respondents’ self-reported uptake of mammogram within the last two years.