Effect of monovalent cations on the activities of WT-RMPK (A), K114Q (inset of A), E117K (B), T113L/E117K (C), and T113L/K114Q/E117K (D) mutants. The activities of WT-RMPK (A) and K114Q mutant (inset of A) and of the normalized activities of E117K (B), T113L/E117K (C) and T113L/K114Q/E117K (D) mutants in the presence of the indicated concentrations of Li+ (●), Na+ (▲), K+ (■), NH4+ (◀), Rb+ (▼) or Cs+ (♦) are shown. In the absence of monovalent cations and ionic strength of 250 mM, the activities of (B–D) were 36 ± 6, 51 ± 1 and 82 ± 7, respectively. The experimental conditions were as in Figure 2, except that the ionic strength was maintained constant at 250 mM with (CH3)4N+. The reaction mixture for K114Q mutant, contained 1.5 mM PEP3−, 5.4 mM Mg-ADP and 3 mM Mg2+free and 135 mM of ionic strength. Standard deviation bars of three experiments are shown.