Figure 5.
Forest plot for the subgroup analysis by addiction type’s group (depressant: alcohol, cannabis, opiate [81,82,91,92,94,98,99,100,101,107]; stimulant: nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamine [80,87,88,90,93,98,102,103,104,109,111]; and behavioral: eating disorder, gambling disorder [89,96,97,105,112,113]) using random effects model (without excluded studies, 30 units of analysis). Heterogeneity: Q = 24.18, df = 29, p = 0.72, I2 = 0%. Test for overall effect: Hedge’s g = −0.228 (95% CI: −0.355, −0.102), z = 3.53, p < 0.001. (1), craving evaluated by Visual Analog Scale (VAS); (2), craving evaluated by sTCQ; (3), low frequency stimulation; (4), craving evaluated by VAS; (5), craving evaluated by FCQ-s; (6), high frequency MPFC stimulation; (7), low frequency right DLPFC stimulation; (a), [103].