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. 2022 Jan 24;48(1):e20210366. doi: 10.36416/1806-3756/e20210366

Table 1. General features in the cohort of patients with sarcoidosis (N = 200) and comparison between the non-fibrotic and fibrotic disease groups.a .

Features Whole sample Group p
Non-fibrotic disease Fibrotic disease
(N = 200) (n = 160) (n = 40)
Gender, female 126 (63) 101 (63) 25 (62) 1.00
Age, years 49.4 ± 12.2 48.3 ± 11.5 53.6 ± 14.1 0.02
Granulomas on biopsy 176 (88) 147 (92) 29 (72) < 0.01
Duration of symptoms to diagnosis, months 12 [4, 25] 10 [4, 24] 24 [8, 68] 0.01
Follow-up, months 80 [42, 123] 88 [40, 132] 77 [44, 96] 0.22
Smoking (current or former smoker) 68 (34) 48 (30) 20 (50) 0.02
Dyspnea 78 (39) 56 (35) 22 (55) 0.02
Cough 111 (56) 84 (52) 27 (60) 0.09
Wheezing 59 (30) 43 (27) 16 (40) 0.10
Weight loss 83 (42) 69 (43) 14 (35) 0.35
Fever 40 (20) 30 (19) 10 (25) 0.38
Relevant systemic involvementb 76 (38) 60 (38) 16 (40) 0.77
Treatment for presumed tuberculosis 44 (22) 33 (21) 11 (28) 0.35
Radiological staging, n
I 38
II 97
III 25
IV 40
FVC, % predicted 84.9 ± 18.8 88.5 ± 16.8 70.7 ± 19.9 < 0.01
Reduced FVC 74 (37) 47 (29) 27 (68) < 0.01
FEV1 /FVC ratio 0.79 ± 0.09 0.78 ± 0.09 0.78 ± 0.10 0.56
Pharmacological treatment 153 (76) 113 (71) 40 (100) < 0.01

Values expressed as n (%), mean ± SD, or median [Q1, Q3]. bExcluding facial palsy, peripheral adenopathy, orbital and salivary glands involvement, erythema nodosum, arthritis, and calcium metabolism disorder.