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. 2022 Feb 7;11(3):861. doi: 10.3390/jcm11030861

Table 1.

Main current patient-reported outcomes measures developed for adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

STUDY Ref. Assessments Item Number Burden Rating Scale Population/Validation Recall
CKD-SBI [14] Prevalence, severity and frequency of symptoms 33 11 point Likert scale CKD/ESRD 4 weeks
CHEQ [15] Health perception, physical,
social, physical role, emotional role,
pain, mental compound, vitality, cognitive
and sexual disorder, sleep,
job, recreation, travel, finances,
general QoL, diet, body
image, dialysis access, symptoms
80 2–7 point Likert scale ESRD/CKD 4 weeks/3 months/in general
DSI [16] Physical symptom burden,
symptom severity
30 5 point Likert scale ESRD/CKD 1 week
KDQOL-SF [17] Symptoms, burden of kidney disease, work situation, cognitive impairement, social aspects, sexual disorder,
sleep, social support, patient satisfaction,
physical functioning, role physical, pain,
general health perceptions, emotional
well-being, emotional state, social
function, energy
82 2–10 point Likert scale ESRD/CKD 4 weeks
KDQOL-36 [18] Includes the SF-12 as generic core plus the burden, symptoms/problems, and effects of kidney disease scales from the KDQOL-SF™v1.3. 36 5 point Likert scale ESRD/CKD 4 weeks/in general

CKD: chronic kidney disease; CKD-SBI: Chronic Kidney Disease-Symptom Burden Index; CHEQ: CHOICE Health Experience Questionnaire; CKD QOL: Chronic Kidney Disease Quality of Life; DSI: Dialysis Symptom Index: KDQOL-SF: Kidney Disease Quality of Life—Short Form: KDQOL-36: Kidney Disease Quality of Life-36. References [14,15,16,17,18] are included.