Table 1.
Main current patient-reported outcomes measures developed for adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
STUDY Ref. | Assessments | Item Number | Burden Rating Scale | Population/Validation | Recall |
CKD-SBI [14] | Prevalence, severity and frequency of symptoms | 33 | 11 point Likert scale | CKD/ESRD | 4 weeks |
CHEQ [15] | Health perception, physical, social, physical role, emotional role, pain, mental compound, vitality, cognitive and sexual disorder, sleep, job, recreation, travel, finances, general QoL, diet, body image, dialysis access, symptoms |
80 | 2–7 point Likert scale | ESRD/CKD | 4 weeks/3 months/in general |
DSI [16] | Physical symptom burden, symptom severity |
30 | 5 point Likert scale | ESRD/CKD | 1 week |
KDQOL-SF [17] | Symptoms, burden of kidney disease, work situation, cognitive impairement, social aspects, sexual disorder, sleep, social support, patient satisfaction, physical functioning, role physical, pain, general health perceptions, emotional well-being, emotional state, social function, energy |
82 | 2–10 point Likert scale | ESRD/CKD | 4 weeks |
KDQOL-36 [18] | Includes the SF-12 as generic core plus the burden, symptoms/problems, and effects of kidney disease scales from the KDQOL-SF™v1.3. | 36 | 5 point Likert scale | ESRD/CKD | 4 weeks/in general |
CKD: chronic kidney disease; CKD-SBI: Chronic Kidney Disease-Symptom Burden Index; CHEQ: CHOICE Health Experience Questionnaire; CKD QOL: Chronic Kidney Disease Quality of Life; DSI: Dialysis Symptom Index: KDQOL-SF: Kidney Disease Quality of Life—Short Form: KDQOL-36: Kidney Disease Quality of Life-36. References [14,15,16,17,18] are included.