Figure 2.
Summary of known and potential mechanisms of neuroactive steroids. 3β-OH inhibits postsynaptic T-channels without having a direct effect on postsynaptic GABAA receptors. In addition to postsynaptic potentiation of GABAA, both CDNC24 and alphaxalone presynaptically reduce spontaneous GABA release, thus decreasing GABA content in the synaptic cleft. In addition to its effect on postsynaptic GABAA receptors and reduction in presynaptic GABA release in the synaptic cleft, alphaxalone also simultaneously blocks postsynaptic T-channels. Additionally, based on the well-known abilities of steroid compounds to pass cellular membranes, there is a possibility that the explanation for the absence of cell death in neurons lies in their direct or indirect interactions with membrane-bound, intracellular, and nuclear receptors, either as agonists or antagonists. These targets, as well other potential targets on the presynaptic terminal, remain unknown.