Mean (±S.E.M.) change in body composition before and after drug treatment, on the final day of saline injections (day 0; pre-drug) and the final day of the treatment phase (day 7; post-drug) in animals that received daily injections of either saline (n = 8), nicotine (n = 10), nornicotine (n = 10), anabasine (n = 10), or anatabine (n = 10) for 6 consecutive days. Body composition change is expressed as the contributions of fat mass (g; panel A) and lean mass (g; panel B) to overall body weight, as measured by EchoMRI. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 difference from pre-drug to post-drug. # p < 0.05 difference from the saline group at the indicated timepoint.