Mean (±S.E.M.) of changes in food (chow) intake over six days, following injections of either saline (orange; n = 8), nicotine (blue; n = 10), nornicotine (green; n = 10), anabasine (red; n = 10), or anatabine (purple; n = 10). Changes in food intake are expressed relative to the mean food intake during the final day of the baseline phase (day 0), as absolute cumulative change (panel A) and as a percent change (panel B) in food intake. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 difference from baseline food intake (day 0) at the indicated day. # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 difference from food intake in the saline group at the indicated day. Significance marks are color-coded to reflect which drug group experienced significant changes.