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. 2022 Jan 20;11(3):530. doi: 10.3390/jcm11030530

Table 1.

Demographic, clinical features and endoscopic findings in patients with suspected SCAD.

Patient Age Sex BMI
GI Symptoms Medical History Concomitant Treatment Intestinal Preparation Endoscopic Findings of Interdiverticular Mucosa Histological Examination Other Findings
1 59 F 22.9 Abdominal pain, constipation Breast cancer - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Micropolyp of sigma (hyperplastic)
2 57 F 26.8 None - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Three micropolyps of left and right colon (tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia)
3 55 M 24 None - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Micropolyp of left colon (tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia)
4 79 F 25 Hematochezia Previous diverticulitis - HV Erythema Crohn’s disease Two micropolyps of right colon (hyperplastic)
5 86 M 23.3 None - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Pedunculated polyp of sigma (tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia),
sessile polyp of transverse colon (hyperplastic)
6 41 M 33.9 None Previous diverticulitis - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed -
7 76 F 30.3 Hematochezia Breast cancer - HV Erosions with fibrin, erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Moderate chronic inflammatory infiltrate and edema, in sigma and rectum, with spared right colon
8 46 M 25.8 Abdominal pain - - HV Erythema Spirochetosis -
9 52 M 22 None - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed -
10 52 F 32 Abdominal pain, constipation Breast cancer, spondyloarthropathy NSAIDs HV Erythema Drug-induced colitis Micropolyp of right colon (hyperplastic)
11 72 M 24.6 None - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Sessile polyp of right colon (villous-tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia)
12 54 F 24.3 None - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed -
13 72 F 23.8 Abdominal pain, hematochezia, diarrhea Cardiovascular disease - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Pedunculated polyp of sigma (villous-tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia
14 61 F 24 None - - LV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed -
15 73 F 26.7 Abdominal pain - - HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Micropolyp of left colon (hyperplastic)
16 72 M 24.3 Rectal bleeding Cardiovascular disease, atrial fibrillation Anticoagulant HV Erythema 1 SCAD not confirmed Sessile polyp of right colon (histology not available)

1 Edema and blood extravasations involving both the sigma and rectum. BMI: body mass index, F: female, GI: gastrointestinal, HV: high volume, LV: low volume, M: male, SCAD: segmental colitis associated with diverticulosis, NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.