Table 1.
Demographic, clinical features and endoscopic findings in patients with suspected SCAD.
Patient | Age | Sex | BMI kg/m2 |
GI Symptoms | Medical History | Concomitant Treatment | Intestinal Preparation | Endoscopic Findings of Interdiverticular Mucosa | Histological Examination | Other Findings |
1 | 59 | F | 22.9 | Abdominal pain, constipation | Breast cancer | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Micropolyp of sigma (hyperplastic) |
2 | 57 | F | 26.8 | None | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Three micropolyps of left and right colon (tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia) |
3 | 55 | M | 24 | None | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Micropolyp of left colon (tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia) |
4 | 79 | F | 25 | Hematochezia | Previous diverticulitis | - | HV | Erythema | Crohn’s disease | Two micropolyps of right colon (hyperplastic) |
5 | 86 | M | 23.3 | None | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Pedunculated polyp of sigma (tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia), sessile polyp of transverse colon (hyperplastic) |
6 | 41 | M | 33.9 | None | Previous diverticulitis | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | - |
7 | 76 | F | 30.3 | Hematochezia | Breast cancer | - | HV | Erosions with fibrin, erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Moderate chronic inflammatory infiltrate and edema, in sigma and rectum, with spared right colon |
8 | 46 | M | 25.8 | Abdominal pain | - | - | HV | Erythema | Spirochetosis | - |
9 | 52 | M | 22 | None | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | - |
10 | 52 | F | 32 | Abdominal pain, constipation | Breast cancer, spondyloarthropathy | NSAIDs | HV | Erythema | Drug-induced colitis | Micropolyp of right colon (hyperplastic) |
11 | 72 | M | 24.6 | None | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Sessile polyp of right colon (villous-tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia) |
12 | 54 | F | 24.3 | None | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | - |
13 | 72 | F | 23.8 | Abdominal pain, hematochezia, diarrhea | Cardiovascular disease | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Pedunculated polyp of sigma (villous-tubular adenoma, low grade dysplasia |
14 | 61 | F | 24 | None | - | - | LV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | - |
15 | 73 | F | 26.7 | Abdominal pain | - | - | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Micropolyp of left colon (hyperplastic) |
16 | 72 | M | 24.3 | Rectal bleeding | Cardiovascular disease, atrial fibrillation | Anticoagulant | HV | Erythema | 1 SCAD not confirmed | Sessile polyp of right colon (histology not available) |
1 Edema and blood extravasations involving both the sigma and rectum. BMI: body mass index, F: female, GI: gastrointestinal, HV: high volume, LV: low volume, M: male, SCAD: segmental colitis associated with diverticulosis, NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.