(A) The average rate of positive (red, N tethers across all data points = 28) and negative (blue, N tethers across all data points = 22) braid unlinking (events min–1) (± SEM), plotted against force. (B) The average dwell times (s) between unlinking events for positive (red, N dwell times across all data points = 75) and negative (blue, N dwell times across all data points = 56) braids (± SEM), plotted against force. (C) The average processive burst rate (events min–1) for positive (red, N burst events across all data points = 80) and negative (blue, N burst events across all data points = 44) braid unlinking (± SEM), plotted against force. (D) The average step size (events burst–1) for positive (red, N = 92) and negative (blue, N = 69) braid unlinking (± SEM), plotted against force. Assays in A-D were conducted using 0.5 nM topo VI and 1 mM ATP, at 21 °C, over a force range of 0–4 pN.( E) The average rate of relaxation of negative supercoils (events min–1) (± SEM, N tethers across all data points = 12), plotted against force. (F) The average rate of relaxation of positive supercoils (events min–1) (± SEM, N tethers across all data points = 15), plotted against force. Assays in Figures E-F were conducted using 0.75 nM topo VI and 1 mM ATP, at 21 °C.