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. 2020 Nov 19;31(2):239–251. doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01682-6

Table 3.

Results from full sample analysis of hierarchical regression modelling examining whether mothers’ parental attributions contribute to explaining future professional help-seeking intentions

Variables B t Δdf ΔR2 ΔF
Block 1 (covariates) 7 .52 26.81*
Block 2 2 .03 6.07*
Child-responsible attributions .19** 3.12
Parental self-efficacy  – .01  – .17
Block 3 2 .02 3.13*

Child-responsible attributions × 

Child problem present

 – .12  – .82

Parental self-efficacy × 

Child problem present

 – .23*** -2.49

n = 184; dependent variable: future professional help-seeking intentions; covariates: presence of clinically elevated child mental health symptoms (1 = yes; 0 = no), previous professional help-seeking experience, single parent status, education level, depression/anxiety, child age, child gender; B, standardised coefficient; Δ, change; df, degrees of freedom; *p value < .05; **significant Scheffe test result (t2 > Fc) where Scheffe = F.05,2,174c2 × 3.047 = 6.095; ***significant Scheffe test result (t2 > Fc) where Scheffe = F.05,2,172c2 × 3.048 = 6.097