Fig. 5.
Ape-specific enhancers are enriched near differentially expressed longevity genes. (a) 27/122 differentially expressed (DE) longevity genes (22.1%) are located within 50 kb of an ape-specific enhancer (a total of 38 ape-specific enhancers for 27 DE genes). In comparison, only 4/122 (3.3%) randomly selected genes (1,000 permutations) are located within 50 kb of an ape-specific enhancer (permutation test P < 2.2×10−16). (b) 20/38 ape-specific enhancers (52%) located within 50 kb of the DE longevity genes overlap annotated TEs. (c) Of the DE longevity genes found near TE-derived ape-specific enhancers, 65% were identified as upregulated, 35% as downregulated (Fisher’s exact test P = 0.0425). (e) LTR and SVA transposons are overrepresented in the sequence of the ape-specific enhancers located within 50 kb of a DE longevity gene (Fisher’s exact test P < 2.2×10−16 for SVAs; P < 0.0001 for LTRs).