Table 3.
Paper | Country | Google Scholar Citation Count |
Game Theoretic analysis of adaptive radar jamming (Bachmann et al.) |
Australia | 53 |
Target selection for tracking in multifunction radar networks: Nash and Correlated equilibria (Bogdanovic et al.) |
Netherlands | 10 |
Power allocation game between a radar network and multiple jammers (Deligiannis et al.) |
UK | 32 |
Strategies for defending a coastline against multiple attackers (Garcia et al.) |
US | 7 |
A game theory approach to target tracking in sensor networks (Gu et al.) |
UK | 72 |
Joint Power allocation and beamforming between a multi-static-radar and jammer based on game theory (He et al.) |
China | 3 |
Game theoretic situation and transmission in unattended ground sensor networks: a correlated equilibrium approach (Krishnamurthy et al.) |
US | 4 |
Network enabled missile deflection: games and correlated equilibrium (Maskery et al. 2007 a) |
US | 9 |
Decentralised algorithms for netcentric Force Protection against anti-ship missiles (Maskery et al. 2007 b) |
US | 18 |
Search and Screening (Koopman) | US | 8 |
Optimal Strategy for Target Protection with a defender in the pursuit-evasion scenario (Qilong et al.) |
China | 1 |
Differential game theory with applications to missiles and autonomous systems guidance (Faruqi) |
Australia | 7 |
A game theoretical interceptor guidance law for ballistic missile defence (Shinar et al.) |
Israel | 34 |
Pursuit-Evasion games: a tractable framework for anti-jamming in aerial attacks (Parras et al.) |
Spain | 2 |
A simple game theoretic approach to suppression of enemy defences and other time-critical target analyses (Hamilton et al.) |
US | 17 |
Choosing What to Protect: Strategic Defence allocation against an unknown attacker (Bier et al.) |
US | 388 |
Considerations on Optimal Resource allocation in avation security (Cioaca) |
Romania | 3 |
Horsemen and the empty city: A game theoretic examination of deception in Chinese military legend (Cotten et al.) |
US | 9 |
An Economic Theory of Destabilisation War (Gries et al.) | Germany | 3 |
Game theoretic approach owards network security: A review (Litti) |
India | 7 |
Automating cyber defence responses using attack-defence trees and game theory (Jhawar et al.) |
Netherlands | 3 |
From individual decisions from experience to behavioural game theory (Gonzalez) |
US | 9 |
Game Theoretic Approaches to Attack Surface Shifting. Moving Target Defense II (Manadhata) |
US | 70 |
Improving reliability through Multi-Path routing and Link Defence: An Application of Game Theory to Transport (Kanturska et al.) |
UK | 13 |
Game Theoretic and Reliability models in counter-terrorism and security (Bier et al.) |
US | 99 |
Changing behaviours in defence acqusition: a game theory approach (Gardener et al.) |
UK | 20 |
Joint Transmit Power and Bandwidth Allocation for Cognitive Satellite Network based on Bargaining Game Theory (Zhong et al.) |
China | 13 |
The Research and Simulation of a Satellite Routing Algorithm based on Game Theory (Qiao et al.) |
China | 2 |
A survey of multiple unmanned vehicles formation control and coordiation. Normal and fault situations (Zhang et al.) |
Canada | 98 |