Figure 4.
Mitochondrial respiratory function in WT and Elovl2 KO mice: (A) Representative western blots of structural components of oxidative phosphorylation and VDAC in liver mitochondria isolated from WT and Elovl2 KO mice. NDUFB8 subunit of Complex I, SDHB subunit of Complex II, UQCRC2 subunit of Complex III, COX4 subunit of Complex IV, ATP5A subunit of Complex V, and VDAC. In all cases, 20 µg of mitochondrial protein were loaded per lane. Ponceau red staining indicates equal loading of protein. (B) Quantification of western blot analysis. Mean of WT values was taken as 100%, with all other values expressed relative to this 100%. (C) Representative oxygen consumption traces of isolated liver mitochondria from WT mice and Elovl2 KO. Additions were 0.5 mg of liver mitochondria (Mit), 750 µM ADP, 3 µg/mL oligomycin (Olig) and 0.8 µM FCCP. (D) Oxygen consumption rate in response to additions of malate and glutamate, ADP, oligomycin and FCCP. (E) Coefficients of respiratory control ratio, RCR (ADP/oligomycin and FCCP/oligomycin) of liver mitochondria. In (B–D), individual values are displayed in bars with means ± SEM from 6 independent mitochondrial preparations of each genotype. The significant differences are shown between WT and Elovl2 KO mice, * p ˂ 0.05; ** p < 0.01.