Figure 4.
(a) The outline of the alveolar bone border and the body of the implant. Parallel lines to the implant platform (0) are located at 1, 5, and 9 mm to the implant platform, and the most coronal point of the buccal and oral bone. (b) Horizontal buccal bone thickness (H(n)-BT; light blue line) and horizontal oral bone thickness (H(n)-OT; yellow line) at each level measured on the line extended from the corresponding horizontal implant line to the outline of alveolar bone. Vertical bone height was the perpendicular distance from the most coronal point of buccal (VBH; white line) and oral bone (VOH; pink line) to the line corresponding to the implant platform. (c) Horizontal bone thickness at each level (H(n)-BOT; blue line) was measured on the line that extended from the outline of buccal bone to the outline of oral bone.