Extended Data Fig. 2 |. Immunophenotyping of Ddr1-WT and Ddr1-KO tumours.
(a–d) TIL number normalized by E0771 Ddr1-WT/KO tumour weight/gram. Cell number of CD44hi CD62Llo CD8+ (a) and CD44hi CD62Llo CD4+ (b) IFNγ+ CD8+ (c) and IFNγ+ CD4+ (d) T cells. WT/KO: n = 5 tumours/group. (e–p) TIL numbers normalized by tumour weight of M-Wnt (n = 4 tumours/group, e-j) and AT-3 tumours (n = 5 tumours/group, k–p). (q–t) Percentages of T cells from E0771 Ddr1-WT and KO tumours (n = 5 tumours/group) positive for Ki67 (CD4+ in q and CD8+ in r), IFNγ (CD8+ in s) or GZMB (CD8+ in t). n.s. not significant. Values represent mean ± SEM. p value as indicated, two-tailed Student’s t-test.