Table 9.
A_ID | Year | Country | Evaluation Time | Research Strategy | Methodology | Device Type |
Targeted Skills |
Activity | Modality | Interaction Style |
Environment | Limitations |
S_1 [100] | 2020 | n.d. | n.d. | case study | Quantity | n.d. | cognitive Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Tangible interfaces |
2D | Interpreting and describing all possible reactions in a child ASD is difficult |
S_2 [101] | 2017 | Canada | 2 days | Experiment | Qualitative | computer | Social and communication skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory, Haptic | Tangible interfaces | 2D | The complexity of the proposed system building tools and needs news to operate. The experiment was only performed on males |
S_3 [102] | 2018 | UK | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | laptop | cognitive Skills | Physical exertion, Mental |
Visual, Auditory | Kinect and mouse | 2D, multi-player games |
Cessation and absence of some participants from the experiment. |
S_4 [103] | 2015 | Germany | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | Mobile devices | Facial expressions Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Tangible interfaces | 2D | There are no motivational phrases when he finishes the stages to encourage the child |
S_5 [105] | 2020 | Egypt | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | computer | cognitive Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Keyboarded | 2D/3D | The difficulty is configurable to make it more suitable for every child. |
S_6 [123] | 2016 | n.d. | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | mobile device | Facial expressions Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Tangible interfaces | 2D | It depends on the presence of an official dealing with the program |
S_7 [106] | 2016 | Philippines | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | mobile device | cognitive Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Tangible interfaces | n.d. | Lacks the side of interaction and attraction and does not benefit from the standards of serious games |
S_8 [107] | 2019 | n.d. | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | Tablets | Social and communication skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Tangible interfaces | 2D | Limiting the time in the fourth, fifth, and sixth stages may cause the child to become distracted. |
S_9 [108] | 2017 | n.d. | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | computer | cognitive Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | keyboard and a mouse | 3D | Control of the keyboard is difficult for children because there are many commands (such as space to jump, mouse to move the camera, etc.) |
S_10 [109] | 2016 | Serbia | 2 weeks | Experiment | Qualitative | computer | Motor and cognitive Skills | Physical exertion, Mental |
Visual, Auditory | Kinect | 2D | There are no specific periods in the game that the child loses focus |
S_11 [110] | 2018 | n.d. | n.d. | Experiment | Qualitative | computer | cognitive Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | n.d. | 2D | The serious game concept has not been used in an interestingly and attractively way to the target age group |
S_12 [111] | 2015 | n.d. | n.d. | case study | Qualitative | mobile device | Emotional Skills | Mental | Visual, Auditory | Tangible interfaces | AR | The number of attempts to reach the correct answer is open and may affect the results of the child’s evaluation |