Fig. 5.
Pathogenic mutations of PSTPIP1. A Surface representation of the structure of PSTPIP1. Residues mutated in autoimmune diseases are shown in red and blue for each protomer of the F-BAR dimer, respectively. The position of W232 is also indicated. B HEK293 cells were transfected with several PSTPIP1 mutants fused to EGFP, as indicated in the top of the panels, and with PSTPIP1-myc. Lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-myc Ab and the different mutants of PSTPIP1-EGFP precipitated with PSTPIP1-myc were detected by IB with anti-GFP Ab. Expression of the proteins was verified by IB in total lysates (TL) with the same Abs