Fig. 2.
The density of CD8+PD-1+TCF1− terminally exhausted T cells (TCF1−Texterm) indicated a favorable prognosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) based on the density from mIHC results. a There was no significant overall survival (OS) analysis according to high and low densities of CD8+PD-1+TCF1+ progenitor exhausted T cells (TCF1+Texprog) in the SYSU cohort. b High density of TCF1−Texterm predicted a better OS in the SYSU cohort. c There was no significant OS analysis according to high and low densities of TCF1+Texprog in the ZJU cohort. d High density of TCF1−Texterm indicated a better OS in the ZJU cohort. The log-rank test was used for (a–d)