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. 2022 Jan 31;12:806884. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.806884

Table 2.

Co-design workshop aims and key decisions in the development of the “It takes a Village” practice approach.

(no. attendees)
Aims Key decisions that resulted
1 (n = 15) Awareness of group participants and their relationship with the issue of COPMI.
Development of a sense of identity as a codesign group.
Understanding of the principles of open innovation and codesign and their role in this process.
Introduction to the Village Project and a background introduction to the needs of COPMI from research and local scoping results.
Presentation of three case vignettes outlining case journeys for COPMI within the region (information elaborated on from scoping) to identify areas of change.
Agreement on terms of reference.
Agreement on rules for communication.
Identification of key areas for change from the presentation of case vignettes of child focused care found in the scoping stage.
2 (n = 15) Development of a shared vision.
Familiarizing with a theory of change.
Prioritizing areas for change.
Agreement made on the roadmap for the design of the practice approaches in the codesign workshop series.
Agreement on common vision, assumptions and priority goals.
Selection of max. nine prioritized areas for change.
3 (n = 17) Identifying practice options for four prioritized areas for change around improving identification of COPMIs in adult mental health in Tyrol; based on proposed practice approaches in the literature and international expert interviews. Agreement on options for transferring Phase 1—SENSE practices on identification to Tyrol
(e.g., who should be asking about parent status, which questions to be asked, options on how parents admitted to hospitals can stay in contact with their child, options on how/where/when to talk with the child about the parental mental illness, options on how to address social resources around the child/family for the first time); agreeing on the stance (e.g., strength-based, acknowledging privacy, empathic and respectful, non-judgemental).
4 (n = 18) Identifying practice options for the remaining five prioritized areas for change around improving support of children via a collaborative village approach (CVA); based on proposed practice approaches in the literature and in the international expert interviews. Agreement on options for transferring Phase two—CVA practices on activating support around these children in Tyrol (e.g., how to refer the child/family to support program, which organizations could host the “facilitators” who would work with the child/family, which practice steps are involved in working with the children/families to activate support, which qualifications are required.
5 (n = 16) Finalizing the practice concepts on identification and collaborative support from previous workshop.
Identifying key aspects of the evaluation design (How to evaluate the change process as well as its results).
Agreement on the first point of identification, referral pathway and key practices of Village Facilitators in working with children/family as well as options for hosting the facilitator based on previous workshops.
Agreement on inclusion/exclusion criteria, study design, options for outcome indicators. [see (48) for more detail of the outcomes]
6 (n = 13) Defining feasibility, commitments and next implementation steps. An agreed approach to practice, implementation and evaluation procedure is available including a commitment of organizations and persons to implement changes in their every-day practice.