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. 2022 Jan 31;9:782736. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.782736



Mechanical tension promotes osteocyte-mediated osteogenesis. (A) ALP staining of 3T3-E1 after induction of differenation with CM from MLO-Y4. (B) The quantification of ALP+ surface/B.Pm(%) of 3T3-EI after induction of differentiation with CM from MLO-Y4. (C) Cellular ALP activity (U/gprot) of 3T3-E1 after induction of differentiation with CMfrom MLO-Y4. (D) The expression level of osteoblastic markers as ALP OPN RUNX2 of 3T3-E1 was detected by RT-PCR. GAPDH was used for normalization. (E) ALP staining of primary osteoblast precursor cells after induction of differenation with conditioned medium (CM) from MLO-Y4. (F) The quantification of ALP + sueface/B.Pm(%) of primary osteoblast precursor cells after induction of differentiation with CM from MLO-Y4. (G) Cellular ALP activity (U/gprot) of primary osteoblast precursor cells after induction of differentiation with CM from MLO-Y4. (H) The expression level of osteoclastic markers of as ALP OPN RUNX2 of primary osteoblast precursor cells was detected by RT-PCR. GAPDH was used for normalization. (I) The protein expression of ALP OPN and RUNX2 of 3T3-E1 were measured by western blot. The quantification of ALP OPN and RUNX2. GAPDH was used for normalizatio. (J) The protein exoression of ALP OPN and RUNX2 of primary osteoblast precursor cell were measured by western blot. The quantification of ALP OPN and RUNX2. GAPDH was used for normalization. All cell experiment were repeated 3 times and each time they were performed at least 3.