Figure 3. Macroscopic and microscopic comparison of murine tumors.
Figure (A) shows exemplary images of processed/opened murine stomachs with attached esophagi of both genotypes at both time points. These images were subject to macroscopic analysis with assessment of tumor coverage and tumor size. (B) depicts scores for tumor coverage of both genotypes at both time points. Means and standard deviation are indicated by horizontal bars, the asterisk marks a significant difference. The 12-months-old L2-IL-1B.mTERC−/− G2 group exhibits significantly stronger tumor coverage than the 12 months L2-IL-1B group (p = 0.02, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post-test). In graphic (C) scores for tumor size of both genotypes and time points are displayed, means and standard deviation are indicated by horizontal bars. There is a trend of larger tumors in L2-IL-1B.mTERC−/− G2 mice at both time points, however no significant difference (p = 0.11, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post-test). Graphic (D) shows exemplary scans of H&E-stained murine SCJ-tissue of both at the 12-months-time-point. Framed areas in the upper scans are enlarged below. Graphic (E) shows dysplasia scores of SCJ-regions of both genotypes at both time points. There was a trend of stronger dysplasia in each L2-IL-1B.mTERC−/− G2 group compared to their age matched L2-IL-1B control group. However with the limited number of observations a significant difference was only seen when scores at both time points were pooled (p = 0.02, unpaired t-test). Graphic (F) shows exemplary scans of SCJ-tissue of both genotypes at the 12-months time point stained for Ki67. The upper images contain the whole SCJ with stratified esophageal epithelium at the top and columnar cardiac/gastric epithelium below. Framed areas, which contain cardiac glands are magnified in the images below. Dark brown stained nuclei show Ki67 positive cells. In Graph (G) ratios of Ki67- positive epithelial cells to unstained epithelial cells (Ki67 negative) for groups subdivided by genotype and time point are plotted. Means and standard deviation are indicated by horizontal bars. There were no significant differences between the 4 groups (p < 0.08, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post-hoc test).