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. 2006 Jul 19;2006(3):CD004606. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004606.pub2

Barkley 2000.

Methods Matched for gender, then randomised. Method of randomisation unspecified. Randomisation violated in 8 cases.
Participants 158 Kindergarten children (aged 4.5 to 6 years) parent rated as being aggressive, impulsive and disruptive.
Interventions I1: Parent only training (PT) (1 sessions per week for 10 weeks + 2 booster sessions) I2: Special Treatment Classroom (STC) I3: PT & STC C: No Intervention.
Outcomes Parent ratings (1) CBCL (2) Home situations questionnaire (3) Normative adaptive behavior checklist. Teacher ratings: (4) *CBCL‐TRF (unblinded) (5) School situations questionnaire (6) Self‐control rating scale (7) Social skills rating scale. (8) Clinic behavioural observations (9) Classroom observed behaviour.
Notes Data collection post treatment and at 2 years.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? High risk C ‐ Inadequate