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. 2022 Feb 2;16(2):e0010024. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010024

Table 1. Predictors of RVFV transmission and spread.

Name Description Source Role in RVFV epidemiology
Local RVFV Cycle hydrodist Distance from water sources Vmap0 Surface water bodies are favorable locations for mosquito reproduction and contact between mosquitoes and ruminants at watering and resting time [17].
Rfe Cumulative rainfall intensity during the rainy season in Senegal (June-October) TAMSAT daily dataset Rainfall intensity and patterns essential in RVF epidemiology, for filling temporary ponds and starting mosquito reproduction [18]
nevents Number of dry spells during the rainy season (July to October), defined as time intervals > 10 days between ≥10-mm precipitations TAMSAT daily dataset
NDVI Availability of breeding and resting sites for mosquitoes Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices Higher values of NDVI reflect a higher vegetation coverage and potentially a higher availability of breeding and, especially, resting habitats for mosquitoes [19]
minlst Minimum Night land surface temperature USGS Mosquito activity and within-mosquito development of RVFV are related to temperature [20]
Cattle, small ruminants Density of cattle and small ruminants (log) Gridded Livestock of the World, version 3.1 Principal animal hosts [21]
Logdrat Ratio small ruminants and cattle population Gridded Livestock of the World, version 3.1
RVF spread logHmd Human density (logarithm) Afripop The denser the human population, the stronger the demand for red meat—especially sheep in Senegal, thus resulting in more intense livestock trade. [22]
logTrav2 Travel time needed to cross a one-km pixel (log). Accessibility defined as the inverse of travel time. JRC database Travel time is lower where human activities—including livestock trade, are more intense [23]
Lcd2 Least cost distance between point and municipality centroids with direct connection to Mauritanian cases via incoming ruminant trade Data collected by Veterinary Services on livestock mobility RVFV could have been introduced during the 2013 epidemics in Mauritania, increasing the risk of exposure in the municipality directly connected [24]