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. 2022 Feb 14;17(2):e0257932. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257932

Table 1. Effects of khat on average escape latency, swim path-length, swimming speed and thigmotaxis in rats.

Group Parameters
Escape latency(s) (M±SEM) Swim Path length(cm) (M±SEM) Swim speed(cm/s) (M±SEM) Thigmotaxis (s) (M±SEM)
T80W 19.00±2.31 416.67±59.37 21.83±1.79 9.67±.1.17
KESA 300 mg/kg 15.17±.75 703.17±38.65** 46.48±1.89*** 6.50±34***
KESC 100 mg/kg 24.50±1.09 801.33±41.23*** 32.97±1.99*** 18.83±.79***
KESC 200 mg/kg 34.83±2.46*** 841.67±63.61*** 24.19±1.03 23.83±2.01***
KESC 300 mg/kg 30.83±1.54** 822.50±35.48*** 26.78±.72 21.67±1.20***
KHJ 2.5 mL/kg 28.83±2.63* 775.17±58.97*** 27.13±1.03 20.50±1.57***

Each point represents the mean ± SEM of escape latency, swim path-length, swim speed and thigmotaxis in rats (n = 6/ group) that received T80W, KESC (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg), KESA (300 mg/kg) and KHJ 2.5 mL/kg.

***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01 and *p < 0.05 when each group of rats was compared with rats that received T80W.

KESC: khat extract subchronic, KESA: khat extract subacute, KHJ: khat juice.