Table I.
Mainstream Programs |
Indigenous-led Programs |
Ontario Early Years | Ontario HBHC Program |
Early Years | HBHC | Mother-infant classes at IFC | |
Funding | Ministry of Education | Ministry of Children and Youth Services Delivered by Public Health Ontario |
Ministry of Education | Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy | National Association of Friendship Centres |
Aims | -Parenting support -Early childhood learning -Parent education on child health and development |
-Health screening -Developmental assessments -Healthy mother-infant attachment -Link to community resources and supports -Home visiting |
-Same as Ontario Early Years -Indigenous teachings, traditions, ceremonies and resources |
-Healthy mother-infant attachment -Healthy infant growth and development -Resources and supports -Family advocacy -Indigenous teachings, ceremonies and resources |
-Assist urban-dwelling Indigenous families to be healthy and successful |
Eligibility | Parents and their children under six years of age | Pregnant women & families with children under six years of age (typical length of enrollment is one year or less) |
Parents and their children under six years of age | Families with at least one child under the age of six years | Families with children |
Enrollment | Self-enrollment | a) Screening by a health provider after the birth of an infant b) Self-referral during prenatal or post-natal period |
Self-enrollment | a) Identified by HBHC FHVs b) Referral from health provider c) Self-referral |
Self-enrollment |
Expertise | -Early childhood educators -Affiliated PHNs |
-PHNs -Lay-person Family FHVs |
-Indigenous early childhood educators -Affiliated PHNs |
-Indigenous lay-person FHVs | -Indigenous lay-persons |