The cycle length was 14 d. On cycle 1 day 1, participants underwent surgery for either resection or biopsy of the tumor and manual injection of the first dose of CD-NSCs. A Rickham catheter (green) was placed in the resection cavity or residual tumor (if only a biopsy was performed) for subsequent intracerebral administrations of the CD-NSCs. For participants treated on dose level 4, a temporary intracerebral microdialysis catheter (light blue) was also placed during surgery to quantify CD-NSC-mediated conversion of 5-FC to 5-FU at the highest dose of CD-NSCs. Because NSCs cease dividing within 48 h (14), thus avoiding NSC destruction due to 5-FU cytotoxicity, and in order to give time for the NSCs to migrate to distant tumor foci, treatment with 5-FC did not begin until 3 d after surgery. The 5-FC was taken orally every 6 h for 7 d (dose level 4 patients also took leucovorin every 6 h for 7 d). For cycle 2 and subsequent cycles, CD-NSCs were slowly infused via the Rickham catheter. Administration of 5-FC and leucovorin was as per cycle 1. Brain MRIs were performed every 2 months to assess response.