Fig. 3.
Regulation of the type of BRC by native ear and articular cartilage niches. (A) Schematic experimental design used to obtain data presented in (B–I). (B–E) Analysis of the effect of native ear cartilage niche on the type of BRC including (B) gross view of BMSC regenerated tissue, (C) GFP-positive cell tracing, (D) histological identification of specific types of cartilage, and (E) quantification analysis of histological staining. (F–I) Analysis of the effect of native articular cartilage niche on the type of BRC including (F) gross view, (G) GFP-positive cell tracing, (H) histological identification of specific types of cartilage, and (I) quantification analysis of histological staining results. Abbreviations: BRC, BMSC regenerated cartilage; RC, regenerated cartilage; NC, native cartilage; PRG4, Proteoglycan 4; α-SMA, alpha-smooth muscle actin. Red scale bar = 500 μm, white and black scale bar = 50 μm.