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. 2022 Jan 12;42(2):163–175. doi: 10.1007/s40261-021-01114-6

Table 1.

Input parameters used in deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Parameter adjustments for scenario analyses are indicated per scenario

Variable Mean value TDM (SE) Mean value tamoxifen SC (SE) Distribution References
Age, years 57 57 Fixed [10]
Discount rates
 Costs (%) 4 4 n.a. [29]
 Effects (%) 1.5 1.5 n.a.
Transition state
 RFS Weibull [1]
  AIC 11,055.72 11,729.69
  Intercept 3.4116 3.3832
  Log (scale) − 0.0449 − 0.0039
 OS Weibull
  AIC 10,885.48 11,344.88
  Intercept 3.1694 3.1392
  Log (scale) − 0.3305 − 0.3295
 RFS state 0.88 (0.22) 0.87 (0.20) Beta [10, 24]
 RD state 0.74 (0.26) 0.74 (0.26) Beta
Endoxifen concentration
 < 16 nM (%) 10 20 Fixed [10]
 ≥ 16 nM (%) 90 80 Fixed
Costs per cycle—RFS
 Drug acquisition costs €33 €27 [13, 26, 27]
 Resources hospital
  Year 0–1 €383 €261 Gamma [10, 29]
  Year 1–5 €90 €90 Gamma
 Resources GP €38 €38 Gamma [28, 29]
Costs per cycle—RD €10,153 €10,153 Gamma [32]
 Productivity loss
  RFS €0 €0 Gamma
  RD €0 €0 Gamma
  Death €0 €0 Gamma
Alternative parameters scenario analysis
 S1a. Endoxifen concentration (100% on threshold)
  < 16 nM (%) 0 20 Fixed
  ≥ 16 nM (%) 100 80 Fixed
 RFS Weibull [1]
  AIC 10,526.35 11,729.69
  Intercept 3.4355 3.3832
  Log (scale) − 0.0885 − 0.0039
 OS Weibull
  AIC 11,154.34 11,344.88
  Intercept 3.2161 3.1392
  Log (scale) − 0.3234 − 0.3295
 S1b. Endoxifen concentration (95% on threshold)
  < 16 nM (%) 5 20 Fixed
  ≥ 16 nM (%) 95 80 Fixed
 RFS Weibull [1]
  AIC 10,783.76 11,729.69
  Intercept 3.42592 3.3832
  Log (scale) − 0.0663 − 0.0039
 OS Weibull
  AIC 10,746.67 11,344.88
  Intercept 3.18265 3.1392
  Log (scale) − 0.3309 − 0.3295
 S1c. Endoxifen concentration (85% on threshold)
  < 16 nM (%) 15 20 Fixed
  ≥ 16 nM (%) 85 80 Fixed
 RFS Weibull
  AIC 11,325.18 11,729.69
  Intercept 3.39738 3.3832
  Log (scale) − 0.0245 − 0.0039
 OS Weibull
  AIC 10,651.92 11,344.88
  Intercept 3.18965 3.1392
  Log (scale) − 0.3282 − 0.3295
 S1d. Correction factor recurrence rate assumption
  < 16 nM (%) 20 Fixed
  ≥ 16 nM (%) 80 Fixed
 RFS Weibull [1]
  AIC 10,526.35 11,729.69
  Intercept 3.4355 3.3832
  Log (scale) − 0.0885 − 0.0039
 OS Weibull
  AIC 11,154.34 11,344.88
  Intercept 3.2161 3.1392
  Log (scale) − 0.3234 − 0.3295
 S2. RD costs
  A. RD-high €11,990 €11,990 Gamma [32]
  B. RD-low €3194 €3194 Gamma
 S3. Productivity loss
  RFS €397 €397 NA [10, 34]
  RD €4477 €4477 NA
  Death €4477 €4477 NA
 S4a. Alternative curve fit: Loglogistic
 RFS Loglogistic [1]
  AIC 11,060.01 11,732.21
  Intercept 3.1388 3.0864
  Log (scale) − 0.1572 − 0.1249
 OS Loglogistic
  AIC 10,895.21 11,354.41
  Intercept 2.9835 2.9484
  Log (scale) − 0.4212 − 0.4238
S4b. Alternative curve fit: lognormal
 RFS Lognormal [1]
  AIC 11,055.81 11,720.28
  Intercept 3.2897 3.2222
  Log (scale) 0.4914 0.5116
 OS Lognormal
  AIC 10937.21 11397.70
  Intercept 3.1116 3.0674
  Log (scale) 0.2460 0.2378
S4c. Alternative curve fit: exponential
 RFS Exponential [1]
  AIC 11,056.43 11,727.71
  Intercept 3.4648 3.3875
  Log (scale) 0 0
OS Exponential
  AIC 11,022.10 11,488.17
  Intercept 3.5119 3.4704
  Log (scale) 0 0

AIC Akaike Information Criteria, GP general practitioner, nM nmol/L, OS overall survival, RD recurrent disease, RFS recurrence-free survival, SC tamoxifen standard care (without therapeutic drug monitoring), SE standard error, TDM therapeutic drug monitoring-guided adjuvant tamoxifen dosing