Figure 1.
MED13L+/fs cells exhibit cyclin C nuclear release and mitochondrial dysfunction
(A) The cultures indicated were monitored for nuclear (DAPI), cyclin C (immunohistochemistry), and mitochondrial morphology (MitoTracker). Numbers in mito panels indicate % of population exhibiting fragmented mitochondria (n = 3). Samples treated with PFT (1 μM, 24 h) are indicated. Arrows indicate cyclin C-mitochondrial co-localization. Bar = 20 μM, zoom = 6X magnification.
(B–D) (B) Seahorse analysis of the indicated cell lines quantifying basal respiration (B), ATP production (C) and maximum respiration (D) for vehicle and PFT treated (1 μM, 96 h).
(E) RNA-seq analysis of CS mRNA levels in MEF cultures with the indicated genotypes. Values from three independent cultures were normalized to ActB. SEM is shown. ∗, p < 0.01