CgSNF3 is required for virulence.A, serial dilution spotting analysis of wt, Cgsnf3Δ, Cgsnf3Δ/CgSNF3, Cgyps1-11Δ, and Cgsnf3Δyps1-11Δ strains in YPD (2% dextrose) or YNB medium containing indicated glucose concentrations. C. glabrata cultures were grown overnight in casamino acid medium and normalized to A600 of 1.0. After diluting cultures 10-fold serially in PBS, 3 μl was spotted on YPD medium or YNB medium containing 0.01%, 0.03%, 2%, and 5% glucose. Plates were incubated at 30 °C, and images were captured after 2 days. B, colony-forming unit–based survival analysis of the Cgsnf3Δ mutant. C. glabrata strains (100 μl cell suspension; 4 × 107 cells) were infected into the tail vein of 6- to 8-week-old female BALB/c mice. After 7 days, mice were sacrificed and three organs (kidneys, liver, spleen) were collected and homogenized in PBS. The homogenates were diluted in PBS, and appropriate dilutions were plated on penicillin- and streptomycin-containing YPD medium. The colony-forming units (CFUs) recovered from each organ of the individual mouse are represented by diamonds in graphs. The horizontal line bars represent the CFU geometric mean (n = 7–9) for each organ. Statistically significant differences in CFUs between kidneys of wt- and Cgsnf3Δ-infected mice are marked. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001; Mann-Whitney U test.