Alignments and rarefied counts of ASVs from Bacillus safensis. (a, b) The 16S rRNA V1‒V3 ASVs were aligned using Clustal omega to corresponding 16S rRNA V1‒V3 of a B. safensis culture isolate from a patient with CTCL (MF05) and a representative B. safensis strain (FO-36b 16S rRNA NR_041794.1). (a) Percent identity matrix showing aligned sequence percent identity relative to each other. (b) Aligned nucleotide sequences in the same order as in a. B. safensis strain FO-36b is listed in this figure as NR_041794.1. (c) Number of ASV counts from a present in patients with CTCL (four lesional and two nonlesional hits as indicated) compared with that of absent counts in healthy donors (n = 5). ASV, amplicon sequence variant; CTCL, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; HD, healthy donor; MF, mycosis fungoides; rRNA, ribosomal RNA.