Expression of genes for “c-di-GMP-associated proteins.” (A) Expression of the genes encoding c-di-GMP-associated proteins. The heatmap shows normalized read counts at the indicated time points. Genes are color-coded according to the key on the right. MXAN_2807 is indicated as a protein with an HD-GYP domain; this protein also contains a MshEN domain. (B) Relative transcript levels during development for genes encoding c-di-GMP-associated proteins. The heatmap shows the log2-fold change at 6, 12, 18, or 24 h of development relative to 0 h calculated from the normalized read counts (Table S1B). Genes marked * or # were expressed at lower and higher levels, respectively, in the ΔmrpC mutant compared with those in the WT, as determined using RT-qPCR (see also Fig. 2 and Fig. S3). Colored boxes on the right indicate the four clusters with distinct expression profiles.