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. 2022 Feb 11;12(2):e051675. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051675

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics influencing 4+ANC visits in nine sub-Saharan African countries

Variables N (%) Ghana Kenya Malawi Namibia Rwanda Senegal Tanzania Uganda Zambia
3224 10 981 9541 2286 4416 6552 5536 7979 5487
Age group
15–19 5084 (9.08) 140 (79.1) 399 (47.11) 470 (43.93) 153 (66.81) 59 (40.14) 232 (40.00) 252 (47.10) 475 (58.93) 430 (62.05)
20–24 14 930 (26.66) 519 (84.12) 1547 (54.05) 1461 (48.62) 487 (78.30) 427 (45.77) 743 (47.08) 718 (49.42) 1466 (62.30) 989 (65.63)
25–29 14 168 (25.30) 722 (87.73) 1782 (55.02) 1115 (52.01) 463 (81.66) 597 (47.76) 791 (46.67) 659 (50.89) 1213 (62.78) 779 (63.70)
30–34 10 804 (19.29) 636 (86.53) 1080 (52.81) 902 (52.78) 334 (82.47) 483 (43.59) 595 (46.09) 491 (48.76) 924 (61.52) 656 (65.74)
35 and above 11 016 (19.67) 743 (85.21) 982 (49.40) 840 (52.08) 367 (79.27) 399 (40.80) 609 (43.25) 544 (43.66) 753 (54.33) 668 (62.90)
P value 0.029 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.012 0.014 0.004 <0.001 0.361
Place of residence
Urban 15 024 (26.83) 1207 (91.72) 2228 (61.28) 892 (57.92) 853 (82.66) 442 (44.87) 1188 (60.00) 816 (60.53) 1009 (67.90) 1028 (60.44)
Rural 40 978 (73.17) 1553 (81.39) 3562 (48.50) 3896 (48.69) 951 (75.84) 1523 (44.39) 1782 (38.98) 1848 (44.13) 3822 (58.86) 2494 (65.87)
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.788 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Women’s education
No schooling 12 589 (22.48) 846 (79.21) 916 (40.75) 494 (45.78) 106 (58.56) 228 (37.62) 1982 (41.28) 421 (38.62) 535 (55.15) 325 (59.52)
Primary 28 673 (51.20) 544 (82.42) 2884 (50.67) 3124 (49.15) 367 (71.40) 1397 (44.53) 677 (54.51) 1557 (46.91) 2872 (58.18) 1807 (64.15)
Secondary 12 703 (22.68) 1242 (90.86) 1380 (60.50) 1038 (53.73) 1229 (82.82) 257 (45.73) 291 (60.00) 643 (59.76) 1072 (66.46) 1206 (63.37)
Higher 2037 (3.64) 128 (99.22) 610 (80.26) 132 (75.86) 102 (95.33) 83 (74.77) 20 (83.33) 43 (84.31) 352 (76.52) 184 (83.26)
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Husband’s education
No schooling 9368 (22.53) 699 (79.16) 344 (40.23) 348 (48.07) 123 (65.78) 248 (40.52) 1900 (40.85) 234 (36.34) 324 (58.70) 161 (61.92)
Primary 18 618 (44.78) 292 (83.67) 1172 (51.38) 2068 (48.72) 174 (73.73) 1267 (45.66) 362 (55.69) 1341 (45.66) 2057 (57.54) 1008 (64.24)
Secondary 10 968 (26.38) 1245 (88.61) 727 (60.43) 1314 (52.86) 522 (82.08) 172 (44.33) 273 (62.19) 521 (59.68) 1114 (65.38) 1174 (64.01)
Higher 2624 (6.31) 267 (96.39) 347 (73.83) 252 (67.56) 83 (96.51) 95 (62.91) 84 (68.29) 75 (69.44) 508 (73.62) 272 (78.61)
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Women’s occupation
Not working O/H 15 820 (31.48) 519 (81.99) 1012 (50.40) 1457 (48.47) 969 (74.65) 130 (40.12) 1654 (45.23) 543 (52.92) 760 (56.55) 1560 (61.81)
Professional/skilled work 9222 (18.35) 1375 (91.18) 305 (70.28) 579 (55.94) 558 (84.67) 336 (49.19) 656 (52.27) 261 (65.91) 1468 (64.84) 668 (67.61)
Agriculture 18 823 (37.45) 786 (78.52) 632 (49.11) 2031 (49.61) 40 (86.96) 1428 (44.47) 377 (33.87) 1247 (41.58) 2099 (57.90) 965 (66.69)
Unskilled 6392 (12.72) 73 (97.33) 859 (56.03) 721 (51.28) 233 (83.51) 71 (36.04) 279 (53.55) 613 (54.98) 498 (67.30) 328 (62.36)
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Husband’s occupation
Not working O/H 1744 (4.17) 44 (51.76) 380 (49.74) 8 (88.89) 12 (50.00) 82 (49.70) 16 (38.10) 134 (59.03) 267 (62.38)
Professional/skilled work 14 721 (35.22) 1024 (92.42) 777 (62.26) 1241 (53.84) 459 (83.91) 516 (45.03) 1412 (51.22) 600 (57.58) 2091 (65.53) 905 (65.72)
Agriculture 16 758 (40.09) 1065 (78.54) 556 (44.91) 1446 (49.25) 117 (68.02) 1082 (46.16) 726 (34.00) 1096 (41.66) 1327 (55.36) 1033 (66.09)
Unskilled 8579 (20.52) 433 (91.54) 1199 (54.01) 920 (49.78) 180 (81.45) 180 (42.35) 445 (48.74) 467 (54.75) 521 (62.40) 488 (61.69)
P value <0.001 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 0.493 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.062
Wealth quintile
Poorest 15 283 (27.29) 817 (78.78) 1532 (41.79) 1002 (46.32) 369 (73.51) 444 (41.73) 634 (31.51) 457 (37.71) 1152 (54.78) 1003 (65.13)
Poorer 12 308 (21.98) 577 (81.96) 1130 (49.71) 1022 (48.83) 351 (74.05) 409 (45.14) 706 (40.88) 450 (40.50) 1020 (58.42) 842 (66.09)
Middle 10 560 (18.86) 495 (86.09) 1011 (55.10) 888 (48.05) 388 (79.51) 377 (46.60) 660 (49.14) 481 (44.87) 893 (60.13) 692 (62.62)
Richer 9452 (16.88) 474 (94.23) 1007 (60.55) 887 (50.63) 401 (82.51) 355 (45.87) 561 (61.58) 666 (55.64) 863 (64.26) 473 (57.47)
Richest 8399 (15.00) 397 (98.02) 1110 (71.15) 989 (58.69) 295 (87.80) 380 (44.03) 409 (73.17) 610 (64.62) 903 (69.35) 512 (68.72)
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.234 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Birth order
First 13 434 (23.99) 636 (87.60) 1471 (59.80) 1267 (51.23) 594 (79.41) 613 (50.16) 718 (52.33) 766 (56.70) 1077 (63.73) 918 (65.95)
Second 11 333 (20.24) 584 (89.30) 1345 (57.45) 941 (48.26) 469 (81.42) 502 (46.83) 585 (50.39) 538 (51.88) 95363.87) 684 (65.14)
Third 8927 (15.94) 470 (85.77) 1019 (54.40) 798 (50.41) 309 (84.43) 322 (45.61) 448 (45.16) 395 (48.59) 762 (62.56) 523 (63.16)
Fourth 6901 (12.32) 382 (88.22) 710 (50.25) 621 (50.74) 180 (79.92) 193 (38.14) 367 (44.48) 299 (46.00) 583 (61.50) 446 (66.77)
Fifth and above 15 407 (27.51) 688 (79.72) 1245 (43.02) 1161 (50.24) 252 (69.61) 335 (36.81) 852 (38.69) 666 (39.53) 1456 (55.34) 951 (61.39)
P value <0.001 <0.001 0.383 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.043
Frequency of listening to radio/watching TV/reading newspaper or magazine
Not at all 14 976 (27.54) 288 (70.07) 1044 (39.77) 2127 (47.85) 178 (62.24) 298 (42.63) 308 (34.00) 394 (37.60) 1051 (53.54) 1640 (63.25)
Less than once a week 10 184 (18.73) 646 (81.46) 671 (51.14) 829 (49.11) 355 (76.84) 481 (42.87) 442 (37.91) 836 (44.83) 724 (59.69) 352 (62.52)
At least once a week 29 213 (53.73) 1826 (90.40) 4074 (57.84) 1832 (53.76) 1271 (82.75) 1184 (45.75) 2220 (49.55) 1434 (54.67) 3056 (63.63) 473 (66.25)
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.147 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.264

4+ANC, four or more antenatal care; O/H, outside home.