A. (Left) Representative traces of Kir2.1 currents in freshly isolated mesenteric ECs from WT, ApoE−/−, Kir2.1L222I, and ApoE−/−Kir2.1L222I mice. (Right) Average Kir current densities (WT:n=16 cells from 4 mice, 11.3±1.5pF, Kir2.1L222I:n=19 cells from 4 mice, 14.57±1.02pF, ApoE−/−:n=14 cells from 4 mice, 12.6±2.2pF, ApoE−/−Kir2.1L222I: n=14 cells from 4 mice, 12.5±1.2pF. *p<0.05 ***p < 0.005, ****p < 0.001). B. (Left) Representative traces of potassium currents of Kir2.1 recorded in freshly isolated mesenteric ECs from WT, ApoE−/−, Kir2.1L222I and ApoE−/−Kir2.1L222I mice with and without shear-stress. (Right) Average Kir current densities (WT:n=7 cells from 4 mice, 11.8±4.0pF, Kir2.1L222I:n=6 cells from 4 mice, 9.7±1.9pF, ApoE−/−:n=6 cells from 4 mice, 10.7±1.6pF, ApoE−/−Kir2.1L222I:n=6 cells from 4 mice, 12.3 ±2.2pF. *p<0.05, **p<0.01). C. (Left) Representative traces of FIV. (Middle) FIV of the mesenteric arteries from WT and Kir2.1L222I mice with empty (Em) and Cdh5-dnKir2.1 adenoviral vector (WT:n=10 mice, Kir2.1L222I:n=11, *p<0.05). (Right) Comparison of FIV at Δ100 cmH2O (*p<0.05). D. (Left) Representative traces of FIV. (Middle) FIV of the mesenteric arteries from ApoE−/− and Kir2.1L222I/ApoE−/− mice with empty (Em) and Cdh5-dnKir2.1 adenoviral vector (ApoE−/−:n=9, Kir2.1L222I/ApoE−/−:n=11, *p<0.05). (Right) Comparison of FIV at Δ100 cmH2O (*p<0.05).