Transcript levels of proteins involved lipid metabolism and transport (A) and cholesterol metabolism and transport (B) in the livers Sod1KO mice (red bars) and Sod1KO mice treated with Nec-1s (green bars), compared to WT mice. (C) Protein expression of as assessed by targeted quantitative proteomics. (D)
Left panel: Immunoblots of liver extracts for SREBP1, SREBP2, P-ACC, ACC, and β-tubulin. Right panel: Graphical representation of SREBP1 and SREBP2 blots normalized to β-tubulin and P-ACC normalized to ACC. (ANOVA, *WT-Veh vs Sod1KO-Veh; #WT-Veh vs Sod1KO-Nec-1s; ^ Sod1KO-Veh vs Sod1KO-Nec-1s; */#/^ P ≤ 0.05).