Tomato and pepper heterografts express graft incompatibility within the first week post-grafting. A–D, Graphical depictions of tomato (red boxes) and pepper (blue boxes) demonstrate self-grafted tomato (A), self-grafted pepper (B), tomato:pepper (C), and pepper:tomato (D). E–T, Anatomical timeline for self-grafted tomato (E–H), self-grafted pepper (I–L), tomato:pepper (M–P), and pepper:tomato (Q–T) collected daily from 3 to 6 DAG shows delayed vascular progression and xylem discontinuity in heterograft combinations. Newly formed callus cells are marked with yellow arrowheads, newly formed protoxylem cells are marked with blue arrowheads, and xylem bridges are marked with red arrowheads. The tissue was stained with PI and cleared in methyl salicylate. For all graft combinations and all timepoints n = 3. Scales bars = 200 µm, 4× inset image scale bars = 50 µm. Additional images can be found in Supplemental Figure S2.