Figure 4.
Altered and disrupted regulatory connections in incompatible heterografts. A–C, Changes in outdegree for the pepper:tomato (B) and tomato:pepper (C) networks compared to the self-grafted tomato network (A). D and E, Similarly, changes in outdegree for the pepper:tomato (E) and tomato:pepper (F) networks compared to the self-grafted pepper network (D). Green, blue, red, and yellow arrows represent regulations at 1 DAG, 3 DAG, 5 DAG, and 3 and 5 DAG, respectively. Nodes are colored with shades from white-to-red, according to the absolute magnitude of their variation in outdegree compared to the self-graft. Triangle- and circle-shaped nodes represent transcription factors and non-transcription factors, respectively. Blue bordered nodes are discussed in the main text.