Figure 5.
Evaluation of 42 chemicals from the ATSDR list for estrogenic activity by single cell ER analysis. (A) Heat maps for the three indicated descriptors (fold median of DMSO control, QE, and EMD, independent biological replicates) after treatment of MCF-7 cells for 24 h with the ATSDR 42 set of compounds. (B) Fold median ER dose response data for three classes of chemicals, plus para-cresol, that where hits from the ATSDR 42 set. (C) (activity concentration 50%) comparison between ER descriptors (fold median, triangles; QE, diamonds; EMD, squares) and ToxCast assays (black dots) for the ATSDR 42 chemicals. Summary data are found in Excel Tables S13-S15. Note: ATSDR, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; ER, estrogen ; EMD, earth mover’s distance; PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; QE, quadratic entropy.