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. 2022 Jan 31;11:e73260. doi: 10.7554/eLife.73260

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Gene (Arabidopsis thaliana) FLAG-DCL3 Singh et al., 2019 Synthetic gene codon-optimized for insect cells
Cell line (Trichoplusia ni) High Five Cells in Express Five Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat # B85502 For baculovirus replication and expression
Transfected construct (Escherichia coli) pUC57-DCL3 (synthetic DCL3, codon optimized for insect cells) Singh et al., 2019 N/A Strain carrying cloned FLAG-DCL3 gene
Transfected construct (T. ni) pFastBacHT B-DCL3 Singh et al., 2019 N/A Construct for baculovirus expression
Transfected construct (T. ni) pFastBacHT B-DCL3_E1146Q_E1329Q This paper N/A RNase III domain A/B double mutant
Transfected construct (T. ni) pFastBacHT B-DCL3_E1146Q This paper N/A RNase III domain mutant
Transfected construct (T. ni) pFastBacHT B-DCL3_E1329Q This paper N/A RNase III domain mutant
Chemical compound, drug PMSF Sigma-Aldrich Cat # P7626 Protease inhibitor
Chemical compound, drug GlycoBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat # AM9515
Chemical compound, drug Ribolock RNase Inhibitor Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat # EO0384
Chemical compound, drug RNase Inhibitor (Murine) NEB Cat # M0314
Chemical compound, drug S1 nuclease Promega Cat # M5761
Chemical compound, drug Proteinase K, RNA grade Invitrogen Cat # 25530049
Chemical compound, drug T4 Polynucleotide Kinase NEB Cat # M0201S Enzyme for end-labeling RNA
Chemical compound, drug Adenosine 5′-triphosphate magnesium salt Sigma-Aldrich Cat # A9187
Chemical compound, drug 32P]-ATP, 6000 Ci/mmol PerkinElmer Cat #BLU002Z250UC Used for end-labeling RNA
Chemical compound, drug Apyrase NEB Cat # M0398L Hydrolyzes ATP; used in Figure 5
Chemical compound, drug SYBR Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10,000×) Invitrogen Cat # S11494
Chemical compound, drug RNA Loading Dye (2×) NEB Cat # B0363S
Chemical compound, drug 2× TBE-Urea Sample Buffer Invitrogen Cat # LC6876
Chemical compound, drug IPEGAL CA-630 Sigma-Aldrich Cat # I8896 Dete
Chemical compound, drug Set of rATP, rUTP, rCTP, and rGTP Sigma-Aldrich Cat # A1388 Used for Pol IV-RDR2 transcription
Chemical compound, drug Anti-FLAG M2 affinity gel Sigma-Aldrich Cat # A2220
Commercial assay or kit Vaccinia capping system NEB Cat # M2080S 5′ end-capping in Figure 6
Software, algorithm Image Lab 6.0.1 Bio-Rad Cat # 12012931
Other Express FiveSFM Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat # 10486025 Serum-free medium for High Five cells
Other Macherey-Nagel Polygram CEL 300 PEI/UV254 Polyester Sheets Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat # 10013021 For TLC assay of ATP hydrolysis