Figure 7. Long-term 2P imaging of odor-evoked responses of the mushroom body γ-lobes.
(A) Stimulus timeline for long-term odor imaging. GCaMP6s fluorescence signal is captured from Kenyon cells axons innervating mushroom body γ-lobes using the semi compressed preparation. (B–E) Quantification of the normalized signal (ΔF/F0) over time in each γ-lobe compartment. Light orange bar indicates when the odor stimulus is present. Each colored line indicates the average response of a fly over multiple trials in a given hour. The average response of three flies is shown. Each compartment’s response is labeled with a different color. (F) Quantification of the peak amplitude across different time points and lobes (dF/F0) (Two-way repeated measures ANOVA. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, ns, not significant; n = 3 flies, 3 trials per time point). Average laser power at 920 nm is <10 mW. Images were captured at 256 × 128 pixels/frame and 17 Hz frame rate. 2P data were averaged to 5 Hz effective sampling rate for plotting.