Figure 4. POU-IV is essential for touch-response behavior in the sea anemone.
(A-D) Behavior of wildtype (F2 pou-iv +/+, A, B) and mutant (F2 pou-iv -/-, C, D) Nematostella vectensis polyps in response to tactile stimuli to their oral tentacles. A hair held in a tungsten needle holder was used to touch the distal portion of each tentacle. Animals before (A, C) and after (B, D) tentacle touch are shown. Tactile stimuli to tentacles elicit tentacular retraction in the wildtype individual (100%, n = 44; A, B). In contrast, the majority of pou-iv homozygous mutants were touch-insensitive (65%, n = 40; B, D); only 35% of the animals showed any contractile response to touch stimuli. Arrowheads in B point to retracted tentacles. Scale bar: 1 mm.