(A–E′′′) forCR00867-TG4.2 CRIMIC allele driving UAS-Watermelon in female and male reproductive systems with membrane bound GFP in green (A–E), nuclear mCherry in magenta (A′–E′), membrane and nuclear merged with F-actin in blue (A′′–E′′). (A–A′′) Maximal projections of expression in the female reproductive system; uterus, spermatheca (white arrowhead), and common oviduct (white double arrowhead) of the female reproductive system. Expression was also seen in the spermatheca associated fat (white arrow) and smooth muscle. (B–B′′) Maximal projections of expression in the female reproductive system; ovarioles and lateral oviducts. Expression was seen in the common and lateral oviducts, epithelial sheath surrounding the ovariole, and follicle cells (arrowhead). (C–C′′) Maximal projections of expression in the male reproductive system. Expression was seen throughout; ejaculatory duct (white arrow), seminal vesicles, testis, and accessory glands (white arrowhead). Other tissues are also present (Malpighian tubules – yellow arrowhead). (D–D′′) Magnification of the accessory gland. Primary cells indicated with white arrow, and secondary cells indicated with white arrowhead. Other tissues are also present (Malpighian tubules – yellow arrowhead, trachea – yellow arrow). (E–E′′) Magnification of the ejaculatory bulb. Lower ejaculatory duct (white arrow) and fat tissue (white arrowhead) are indicated. (F) Schematic of the foraging locus depicting regions of cloned forpr-Gal4s. G. forpr1-Gal4 driven GFP expression in the male reproductive system. (H) forpr2-Gal4 driven expression in the spermatheca. (H′) forpr2-Gal4 driven expression in the ovaries. H′′. forpr2-Gal4 driven expression in the oviduct. (H′′′) forpr2-Gal4 driven expression in the male reproductive system. (I) forpr4-Gal4 driven expression in the male reproductive system. (I′) forpr4-Gal4 driven expression in the ejaculatory bulb. Scale bars = 50 µm. [Please refer to the online version for colors.]