(A) Schematic diagram showing strategy for KPC (KrasG12D;p53R172H;pdx-Cre) PDAC mouse modeling.
(B) Flow cytometry gating strategy and frequency of TH2 cells out of total CD4+ T cells in normal pancreas, spleen and PDAC tumor.
(C) Representative flow cytometry histogram of TH2 cell phenotype stained with either isotype control (blue histogram) and CD4, Gata3 and CCR4 antibodies (red histogram).
(D) Frequency of TH2 cells out of total CD4+ T cells in normal pancreas, spleen and PDAC tumor (n=3).
(E) Gating strategy and frequency of ILC2 cells out of total lineage negative [Lin−] (CD3, Ly6G, Ly6C, CD11b, CD45R/B220 and TER-119) cells in normal pancreas, bone marrow, spleen and PDAC tumor (n=3).
(F) Representative flow cytometry histogram of ILC2s cell phenotype stained with either isotype control (blue histogram) and ST2, Sca-1 and CD127 antibodies (red histogram).
(G) Frequency of ILC2 cells out of total Lin− cells in normal pancreas, bone marrow, spleen and PDAC tumor (n=4).
(H) Frequency of ILC2 cells out of total Lin− cells in normal pancreas, PanIN and PDAC tumor (n=4).
(I) Schematic showing experimental strategy for single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) from PDAC tumor-bearing mice. CD45+ cells were flow-sorted from PDAC tumor and 10,000 live CD45+ cells were used for scRNA-seq.
(J) t-SNE plot of immune cells showing 14 clusters belonging to 3 major groups in PDAC sample.
(K) Bar graph showing the proportion of major immune cell clusters in PDAC sample.
(L) t-SNE plots showing TH2 lineage genes (Cd4, Gata3 and Ccr4) expression in sub-cluster of immune cells. The color key bar represents gene expression level.
(M) t-SNE plots showing expression of ILC2 lineage genes (Hes1, Hs3st1 and Il1rl1) expression in sub-cluster of immune cells. The color key represents gene expression level.
(N) Gating and frequency of ILC2 out of total lineage negative (CD3, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD20, and CD56) cells in human PDAC tumor.
Data are presented as mean ±SD. p-values were calculated using the Student t-test. ns, no significance. Individual p-values are indicated in the figures.
See also Figure S1.