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. 2022 Feb 2;12:837509. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.837509


Summary of the studies about the effects of butyrate on hypertension.

Reference Type of study Butyrate dose Model Result
Wang et al. (2017) In vivo 1 g/kg/day SB for 14 days Ang II‐infused sprague-Dawley rats model of HTN decreased Ang II-induced mean arterial pressure
decreased gene expression of TNFα and IL6
Zhang et al. (2019) In vivo 1 g/kg/day SB for 2 weeks Ang II‐infused Sprague Dawley rats model of HTN decreased Ang II-induced mean arterial pressure
decreased gene expression of IL‐1β, Nlrp3, and MCP‐1 in cardiac tissue
In vitro 2 mmol/L SB cardiomyocytes H9C2 cells inhibited cardiac hypertrophy by inhibiting COX2/PGE2 pathway
Onyszkiewicz et al. (2019) In vivo 1.4, 2.8, and 5.8 mmol/kg/day, Intracolonic (IC) or intravenously (IV) butyric acid
for 2 days
Wistar rats IC: increased concentration of butyric acid in the colon, portal and systemic blood, decreased BP and heart rate
IV: decreased BP didn’t changed heart rate
hypotensive effect was depended on vagus nerve signaling and FFAR2/3 receptors
Ex vivo 5 μM up to 1 mM butyric acid mesenteric arteries (MA) butyric acid dilated MA and GMA
gracilis muscle arteries (GMA) effective dose was 50 μM up to 1 mM
Robles‐Vera et al. (2020) In vivo 0.5 mg/kg/day SB for 13 weeks WKY and SHR Rats prevented increase in systolic and diastolic BP
prevented increase in Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B) ratio
increased Th17/Treg balance
decreased endotoxemia

Abbreviations: SB, sodium butyrate; Ang II, Angiotensin II; TNFα, Tumor necrosis factorα; IL, interlukin; HTN, hypertension Nlrp3; MCP‐1, monocyte chemoattractant protein; COX2, cyclooxygenase‐2; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; IC, intracolonic; IV, intravenously; BP, blood pressure; FFAR, free fatty acid receptor; MA, mesenteric arteries; GMA, gracilis muscle arteries; WKY, wistar Kyoto rat; SHR, spontaneously hypertensive rat; Th, T helper; Treg, T regulatory.