Fig. 2. Linear vs. nonlinear model reduction.
a Reduction of linear dynamics via Galerkin projection. The slowest spectral subspace, E1 = E1 (green), and the modal subspace, E2 (black), span together the second slowest spectral subspace, E2 = E1 ⊕ E2. The full dynamics (red curve) can be projected onto E1 to yield a reduced slow model without transients. Projection of the full dynamics onto E2 (blue curve) yields a reduced model that also captures the slowest decaying transient. Further, faster-decaying transients can be captured by projections onto slow spectral subspaces, Ek, with k > 1. b Reduction of nonlinearizable dynamics via restriction to spectral submanifolds (SSMs) in the ϵ = 0 limit of nonlinear, non-autonomous systems forced with ℓ frequencies. An SSM, W(E, Ωt; 0), is the unique, smoothest, nonlinear continuation of a nonresonant spectral subspace E. Specifically, the slowest SSM, W(Ek, Ωt; 0) (green), is the unique, smoothest, nonlinear continuation of the slowest spectral subspace, Ek. Nonlinearizability of the full dynamics follows if isolated stationary states coexist on at least one of the SSMs. The time-quasiperiodic SSMs for ϵ > 0, denoted W(E, Ωt; ϵ), are not shown here but they are Cr-close to the structures shown, as discussed by29.