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. 2022 Feb 15;3(1):e12678. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12678


Adverse social determinants of health by health literacy and primary language spoken

aSDoH Domain Screening question and response Adequate HL, n (%) Limited HL, n (%) English, n (%) Spanish, n (%)
Transportation Has the lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments or from getting medications?
Yes 17 (19) 13 (9) 25 (11) 5 (29)
No 70 (80) 126 (89) 189 (86) 9 (53)
Missing 1 (1) 2 (2) 5 (3) 3 (18)
Food FQ1: Within the past 12 months we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more.
Sometimes/often true 30 (34) 21 (15) 44 (20) 7 (41)
Never true 57 (65) 117 (83) 169 (77) 7 (41)
Missing 1 (1) 3 (2) 6 (3) 3 (18)
FQ2: Within the past 12 months the food we bought just didn't last and we didn't have money to get more.
Sometimes true/often true 26 (30) 13 (9) 34 (16) 5 (29)
Never true 60 (68) 125 (89) 178 (81) 9 (53)
Missing 2 (2) 3 (2) 7 (3) 3 (18)
Food insecurity overall:
If answered “Sometimes true” or “Often true” to at least 1 of the 2 food security questions:
Yes 35 (40) 21 (15) 48 (22) 8 (47)
No 51 (58) 117 (83) 164 (75) 6 (35)
No answer/missing 2 (2) 3 (2) 7 (3) 3 (18)
Housing HQ1: What is your housing situation today?
I do not have housing 8 (9) 4 (3) 12 (5) 0 (0)
I have housing 74 (84) 133 (95) 196 (90) 13 (76)
No answer/missing 6 (7) 4 (2) 11 (5) 4 (24)
HQ2: How many times have you moved in the past 12 months?
2 or more times 11 (12) 11 (8) 20 (9) 2 (12)
0–1 time 75 (84) 127 (90) 192 (88) 12 (70)
No answer/missing 2 (4) 3 (2) 7 (3) 3 (18)
HQ3: Are you worried that in the next 2 months, you may not have your own housing to live in?
Yes 17 (19) 12 (9) 21 (9) 8 (47)
No 68 (77) 127 (90) 192 (88) 5 (29)
No answer/missing 3 (4) 2 (1) 6 (3) 4 (24)
Housing insecurity overall:
If answered “I do not have housing” (HQ1) or “2 or more times” (HQ2) or “Yes” (HQ3):
Yes 25 (28) 19 (13) 35 (16) 9 (54)
No 59 (67) 118 (84) 175 (80) 4 (23)
No answer/missing 4 (5) 4 (3) 9 (4) 4 (23)
Utility bills Do you have trouble paying your heating or electricity bill?
Yes 18 (21) 7 (5) 20 (9) 5 (29)
No 67 (76) 129 (91) 190 (87) 8 (47)
No answer/missing 3 (3) 5 (4) 9 (4) 4 (24)
Medications Do you have trouble paying for medicines?
Yes 16 (18) 12 (9) 25 (12) 3 (18)
No 68 (77) 126 (89) 187 (85) 9 (53)
No answer/missing 4 (5) 3 (2) 7 (3) 5 (29)
Employment Are you currently unemployed and looking for work?
Yes 16 (18) 12 (9) 24 (11) 4 (23)
No 70 (80) 127 (90) 189 (86) 10 (59)
No answer/missing 2 (2) 2 (1) 6 (3) 3 (18)
Education Are you interested in more education?
Yes 54 (61) 68 (48) 110 (50) 12 (75)
No 31 (35) 71 (50) 102 (47) 4 (25)
No answer/missing 3 (4) 2 (2) 7 (3) 0 (0)
Child and dependent elder care Do you have trouble with childcare or the care of a family member?
Yes 12 (14) 7 (5) 16 (7) 3 (18)
No 75 (85) 130 (92) 196 (90) 11 (64)
No answer/missing 5 (1) 4 (3) 7 (3) 3 (18)
Would you like information today about any of the following topics?
Overall (any of the below) 41 (47) 26 (18) 58 (26) 15 (88)
None (none of the below) 47 (53) 115 (82) 161 (74) 2 (12)
Transportation 13 (15) 7 (5) 16 (7) 4 (24)
Paying utility bills 14 (16) 6 (4) 13 (6) 7 (41)
Education 17 (19) 11 (8) 19 (9) 9 (53)
Food 15 (17) 11 (8) 20 (9) 6 (35)
Paying for medications 12 (14) 7 (5) 14 (6) 5 (29)
Childcare 9 (10) 4 (3) 9 (4) 4 (24)
Housing 15 (17) 11 (8) 22 (10) 4 (24)
Job search or training 13 (13) 6 (4) 13 (6) 6 (35)
Care for elder or disabled 7 (8) 5 (4) 9 (4) 4 (24)
In the last 12 months, have you received assistance from an organization or program to help you with any of the following:
Overall (any of the below) 30 (34) 27 (19) 52 (24) 10 (59)
None (none of the below) 58 (66) 114 (81) 167 (76) 7 (41)
Transportation 6 (7) 1 (1) 7 (3) 0 (0)
Paying utility bills 7 (8) 6 (4) 11 (5) 0 (0)
Education 3 (3) 3 (2) 6 (3) 0 (0)
Food 13 (15) 12 (9) 23 (11) 2 (12)
Paying for medications 3 (3) 6 (4) 7 (3) 2 (12)
Childcare 2 (2) 2 (1) 4 (2) 0 (0)
Housing 5 (6) 4 (3) 8 (4) 1 (6)
Job search or training 4 (5) 0 (0) 4 (2) 0 (0)
Care for elder or disabled 6 (7) 3 (2) 9 (4) 0 (0)

Abbreviation: aSDoH, adverse social determinants of health.

Note: Columns 1 and 2 describe the domain and specific question, columns 3 and 4 display the comparison by literacy, and columns 5 and 6 display the comparison by language.