Table 1.
Study | Sample size | Mean/ median age |
Anticoagulant | Indication for anticoagulation | Vaccine used and route(s) of administration | Follow-up |
Patriarca 1983 | 33 | Not reported | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccination Route not reported |
30 days |
Lipsky 1984 | 21 | 62.5 years | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route not reported |
28-30 days |
Kramer 1984 | 8 | Not reported | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route not reported |
21 days |
Gomolin 1985 | 15 | Not specified (geriatric) | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route not reported |
21 days |
Weibert 1986 | 13 | N/R | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route not reported |
14 days |
Bussey 1988 | 24 | 60.3 years | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route not reported |
, 4 months |
Arnold 1990 | 9 | 68 years | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route not reported |
30 days |
Raj 1995 | 41 | 65.7 years | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route: im |
14 days |
Delafuente 1998 | 36 | 68 years | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route: im vs. sc |
4 months |
Paliani 2003 | 90 | 74 years | Warfarin (98%), acenocoumarol (2%) | Not reported |
Influenza vaccine Route: im |
7-10 days |
Ballester Torrens 2005 | 59 | 72.4 years | Not specified | Atrial fibrillation (majority), valvular prosthesis (10%) |
Influenza vaccine Route: im vs. sc |
7 months |
MacCallum 2007 |
106 (INR analysis only 78) |
73.7 years | Warfarin | Not reported |
Influenza vaccination Route not known, possibly im |
3 months |
Casajuana 2008 | 229 | 73.6 years | Acenocoumarol (98%), warfarin (2%) | Atrial fibrillation (70%), valvular heart disease (17%), ischemic heart disease (12%) |
Influenza vaccine. Route: im vs. sc |
10 days |
Iorio 2010 | 104 | 71.3 years | Warfarin | Atrial fibrillation (54%), venous tromboembolism (14%), aortic valve prosthesis (12%), dilated cardiomyopathy (12%), mitral valve prosthesis (6%), mitral and aortic valve prosthesis (2%) |
Influenza vaccine Route: im |
28 days |
Van Aalsburg 2011 |
19 (im) 9 (sc) |
65 years (im) 57 years (sc) |
89% oral anticoagulants, 11% combination platelet anti-aggregate therapy | Not reported |
DTP, HepA, Hib, typhoid fever vaccine, combination of HepA and HepB Route: im HepA Route: sc |
3 days |
Bauman 2016 | 28 | 5 years | Warfarin | Congenital heart disease (86%), Kawasaki syndrome (7%), others |
Influenza vaccine (82%), combinations of PCV, DTaP-IPV, MMR, MMRV, MenC, Hib, HepA, HepB, palivizumab Route: im, sc |
6 days (1-14 days) |
BCR British Corrected Ratio, DOACs direct oral anticoagulants, DTP diphtheria, tetanus and polio virus vaccine, DTaP-IPV diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated polio virus combination vaccine, Hib Hemophilus influenzae type B vaccine, HepA hepatitis A vaccine, HepB hepatitis B vaccine, im intramuscular, INR International Normalized Ratio, MenC conjugate meningococcal type C vaccine, MMR measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, MMRV measles, mumps rubella and varicella vaccine, PCV pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, sc subcutaneous