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Table 1.

Admission Characteristics of 3YMD Students Compared to 4YMD Pathway Students (4YMD-S, 4YMD-G)

Variables 3YMD (n=49) 4YMD-S (n=350) 3YMD vs 4YMD-S Comparisona 4YMD-G (n=363) 3YMD vs 4YMD-G Comparisona
Mean age years (SD) 23.15 (2.90) 22.26 (1.81) t =2.05 22.19 (1.89) t =2.21
P =.04 P =.03
Mean GPA (SD) 3.82 (0.12) 3.80 (0.15) t=0.89 3.80 (0.15) t=1.09
P=.38 P=.28
Mean MCAT percentile (SD) 93.99 (6.02) 93.22 (7.74) t=0.67 92.20 (7.56) t=1.59
P=.50 P=.11
Gender, % female 59 (29/49) 47 (164/350) chi square=1.92 46 (167/363) chi square=3.11
P=.11 P=.06
Underrepresented in medicine, % 8 (4/49) 17 (59/350) chi square=2.03 12 (44/363) chi square=0.36
P=.15 P=.63

Abbreviations: 3YMD, 3-Year MD; 4YMD, 4-Year MD; 4YMD-S, 4-Year MD Student; 4YMD-G, 4-Year MD Graduate; GPA, grade point average; MCAT, Medical College Admission Test.

Note: Bolded results are significant (P<.05).


Independent samples t tests with P values (non-parametric tests of median differences produced same results) and chi-square tests for gender and underrepresented in medicine distribution.