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Table 4.

Kirkpatrick Level 3: Comparing 3YMD and 4YMD Performance Outcomes (% Well Done items) on 2 Comprehensive Performance-Based Simulations

Assessment Domaina
% Items Rated Well Done
Night-onCall Outcomes
Comprehensive Clinical Skills Examination Outcomes
3YMD, N=12, Mean (SD) 4YMD in 3rd Year N=36, Mean (SD) 4YMD in 4th Year N=25, Mean (SD) ANOVA Sig 3YMD N=48/53 4YMD-S N=367/437 3YMD vs 4YMD-S Comparisona 4YMD-G N=399/459 3YMD vs 4YMD-G Comparisona
t test P value t test P value
Core clinical skills Standardized patient perspective Communication 72.23 (25.89) 71.15 (20.44) 67.44 (24.16) F(2,70)=0.263, P=.77 82.53 (9.54) 83.88 (8.23) 0.98 .33 82.31 (9.58) 0.95 .36
History gathering 44.64 (22.40) 36.95 (19.69) 43.09 (18.70) F(2,70)=1.144, P=.32 59.73 (8.01) 61.01 (7.44) 1.06 .29 60.41 (7.18) 0.80 .49
Physical examination 58.98 (11.93) 54.72 (19.02) 47.30 (19.26) F(2,70)=2.038, P=.14 65.36 (10.91) 66.61 (9.70) 0.79 .43 65.92 (9.01) 0.79 .43
Clinical reasoning Faculty perspective Clinical reasoning 65.63 (21.69) 69.10 (22.91) 70.84 (23.48) F(2,70)=0.210, P=.81
Interprofessional teamwork Standardized nurse perspective Phone communication 44.34 (22.80) 45.98 (27.64) 37.48 (25.03) F(2,70)=0.812, P=.45
Patient care in room 30.75 (17.79) 40.69 (26.41) 26.42 (22.28) F(2,70)=2.789, P=.07
Relationship development and professionalism 59.29 (32.35) 61.09 (36.35) 51.41 (33.70) F(2,70)=0.589, P=.56

Abbreviations: 3YMD, 3-year MD; 4YMD, 4-year MD.

Note: The right section of the table includes percent well done performance in the core clinical skills of Comprehensive Clinical Skills Examination, in addition to differences between 3YMD and 4YMD students (4YMD-Started and 4YMD-Graduated). The left section of the table includes percent well done performance in the core clinical skills, clinical reasoning, and interprofessional teamwork of Night-onCall, in addition to differences between 3YMD and 4YMD students (those in the third year of the traditional program and those in the fourth year of the traditional program).


Independent samples t tests with P values (non-parametric tests of median differences produced same results).